This ancient trail gained its name from the tale of the Abyssinian elephant, Abraha, who passed through this place en route to the Kaaba before the mission of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. However, this trail is incredibly old, dating back thousands of years, built by the Yemeni King As’ad Al-Kamil to be part of the renowned Incense Route, known as the Bukhoor Trail. In the Islamic era, it was named the Higher Yemeni Pilgrimage Trail.
During our visit, we will explore this trail, marveling at the beauty of the archaeological ruins and learning about the numerous Thamudic inscriptions found there.
Important instructions
Cancellation Policy
At least 3 days before the start of the trip
Our Bank Accounts
Akam ALJAZERAH Tourism Office
Al Rajhi Bank
Account number (156608010665547)
Iban (SA5380000156608010665547)
From735 AED
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When you book with an account, you will be able to track your payment status, track the confirmation and you can also rate the tour after you finished the tour.
When you book with an account, you will be able to track your payment status, track the confirmation and you can also rate the tour after you finished the tour.